Water Health Educator
Water Health Educator
Promoting advocacy for access to clean water
About Us
Water Health Educator promotes advocacy for access to clean water through research, public speaking and education.
Water Health Educator provides educational materials on a variety of water-related topics for Pre-K through High School, lectures at the University on topics of pollution, globalization, water scarcity and impurities in bottled water, and speaks on a range of topics including the effects of hydropower on indigenous populations and wastewater and sanitation methods in the developing world.
Staff and Contributors
Shannyn Snyder, Founder and Webmaster, Contributing Reseacher, Lecturer and Writer, Lead, Brazil and Crude Oil Issues, shannyn@waterhealtheducator.com
Eden Potter, Program Advisor for Youth Outreach, Investigative Photojournalist, eden@whisperingeden.com
Lori Parr, Senior Researcher and Writer, ljrparr@gmail.com
Emily Bremer, Contributing Researcher and Writer, ekbremer@gmail.com
Kellie Frizzell, Contributing Researcher and Writer, kfrizzel@masonlive.gmu.edu
Oriane Boudinot, Lead Researcher and Writer, Cambodia and Senegal Issues, oriane.boudinot@gmail.com
Contributing researchers and writers can be contacted directly about their articles.
For more information, to schedule a speaking engagement or to discuss or participate in research, please contact us.